Green Peppercorn Gravy (Thom Bateman)

Serves 4-5 

1 tbsp beef fat (or oil)

2 shallots finely diced

2 garlic cloves finely diced

1 rosemary sprig

2 bay leaves

50ml brandy

400ml red wine

2-3 tbsp green peppercorns

1 litre good quality beef stock - the stuff you buy in bags that’s like jelly if you can’t make your own.

Light soy sauce to taste

Sherry vinegar/lemon juice to taste

1. Add the diced shallots to a pan with the oil and pinch of salt, soften and gently brown before adding the garlic, bay, rosemary and peppercorns (I forgot to add them before the booze in the video)

2. Deglaze the pan with the brandy and red wine reduce until almost syrup like

3. Add the beef stock and simmer down to reduce until you reach a desired thickness I realise people are particular about their gravy, I like mine just coating consistency not thick enough to lay bricks with.

4. Season to taste with soy sauce and Sherry vinegar the acid gives the sauce a lift trust me on this.